Decay of Nations: Stormsurge 


Giant Party Sports Field Rules: 

● All participants must be at least 10 years of age to play 

● Any participants under the age of 18 must have a signed waiver by a parent or legal guardian. No alcohol or drugs are permitted on the Property. 

● Personal property of others is always to be respected. 

● No co2 fills, compressed air only 

Paint: Event Paint Only! Players found with outside paint will be ejected from the game without refund! .68 Caliber Paintballs. Only paint purchased during pre-registration or day-of can be used. No other paint caliber’s are accepted. 

First Strike Rounds: Not Allowed 

Player Cards: 

Faction specific character cards are essential to this event and are required to be on your person at all times. Do NOT lose them! If you lose your badge, you will have to pay full price for a replacement. 

The faction on your character badge must match your faction’s assigned marking tape color. If they don’t match while you are in play, your team will receive penalty points. 

Armband Tape: Players will be identified by colored marking tape which will be handed out to you by your commanders. It can be worn on both arms, or on the back and front of your mask. Team colors MUST be worn at all times. 

Markers: Any commercially produced, commonly available .68 paintball markers may be used. Semi automatic only. No ramping or full auto. 

Velocity must be at or below 285 fps. All markers must be chronographed Saturday and Sunday morning. Each marker will be individually tagged each day. 

Refs will perform in-game spot checks throughout the event. If your marker is above 285 ft/s on a spot check:

First time: Sent off field to fix it 

Second time: Removed from the game, leaderboard wiped, possible team score penalties 

Barrel Blocking Device: All paintball markers must have a barrel sleeve/barrel sock for covering the end of your barrel in all non-play areas. Barrel plugs are not acceptable unless they have an attached bungee. 

Squeegees in barrels are not acceptable. 

Players caught with no barrel sleeve/barrel bag on their barrel in an off-field area other than the chrono may be ejected from the event with no refund. This includes markers with no hopper or air tank. If it has a barrel, it is required to have a barrel sleeve/barrel bag on it. Period. 

Goggles: Goggles must meet ASTM and insurance requirements, must be unaltered, must provide full face, eye, and ear protection, and must have suitable, uncracked and undamaged lenses in them. Players caught lifting their goggles or breaking the seal of the goggles against their face may be ejected with no refund. 

Radios and cell phones: Radios are allowed and encouraged. You may monitor any frequency you wish. Players may use their radios or cell phones anytime while they are on the field and in play. 

DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES! Any “dead” players that are caught “spotting” enemy positions, with or without radios, for their team will be strongly discouraged to continue doing so. 

Drones: Only with approval from the field and game producer 

Referees: Referees will be clearly marked. Do not argue with a referee under any Circumstances. Don’t argue with refs about elimination calls. Scenario specific questions about rules can be radioed in for clarification if you ask nicely. 

Head Referee: The head referee will always be available throughout the game for dispute resolution, and to oversee referee and player interactions. The decision of the head referee is final.

Non-players on the field: All non-players, including media personnel, must obtain a "spectator" wristband and sign a waiver prior to entering the field. 

Confrontations: Any verbal or physical confrontations will be handled on an individual basis. 

Eliminations: If you are marked by a direct hit from a paintball (even if the ball itself ricocheted) and it breaks on you and leaves a quarter-sized mark, you are eliminated. This includes any hits to your body, paintball marker or equipment. 

If you raise your hand or marker above your head, and/or place your barrel sock on your barrel, you are out of play and must respawn. 

Any player found to be “playing on” after being eliminated will be removed from play by a referee and sent to your reinsertion point. Continued disregard for elimination rules will result in point penalties to your team and may result in ejection from the event. 

Barrel-tagging: Not allowed 

Respawns: During regular play, players will respawn instantly at their team’s starting location. Wipe off your hits and tag back in.Players may enter the field at their designated entrances. Players may exit the field from any allowable exit point. 

Bunkers on the field: No player may move any bunkers unless specific provisions are outlined by Game Control allowing him or her to do so. 

Boundary Tape: For safety reasons, DO NOT cross or shoot over the boundary or nets. Do not use perimeter nets as bunkers. Any player caught doing so will be eliminated and forced to reinsert. 

Dead Man Walk: Did you mean, a pleasant afternoon walk? If your hand or marker is raised above your shoulder, you are considered out of play. If your barrel sock is on the end of your barrel, you are considered out of play. Otherwise, you are a nice target for players that pay attention.

Flag Stations: They are one of the core features of Stormsurge! Capture them with your character badge! 

Player Flags: 11 

Mechs Flags: 4 

Loadouts: Players can carry only one loadout at a time and must return to base to swap. 

● Grenade Launcher 

● Medkit 

● Shield 

● Mech Frame 

Shields: Event shields only! Three shields will be provided for each team. 

● For players using shields, only paintball markers (pistols included) are allowed. While carrying a shield, scenario slugs are not allowed to be used or carried by the shield bearer. 

● To shoot while holding a shield, you must be stationary. No running and gunning! You must lean out from behind the shield to shoot. Treat it like a regular bunker when shooting. 

● If the player and/or the shield they are the shield has been directly hit by any explosive that player, and all players, including other shield bearers, within a 5 foot radius of the shield player, are eliminated. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: When a shield player is eliminated, the shield is eliminated as well and must be taken back to base. It can not be handed off to another player. If shields are repeatedly left on the ground, the abandoned shield may be removed from the game or auctioned off to the highest bidder. 

Smoke Grenades: Not allowed. 

Scenario Slugs 

● Yellow Slugs can be used by Mech Pilots to eliminate other Mechs.. Any hit counts. No other slug color will eliminate a Mech 

● All other colored slugs can be used by players as a traditional grenade launcher. See “Grenade Launcher” below

Grenade Launcher 

● Only Scenario Slug kits launched from a paintball marker are allowed at this event. 

● Can only carry 2 rounds at a time. Yellow slugs are inert. All other colors work ● Must return to base to reload. Can not pick up used rounds. Come to game control to pick up expended rounds. 

● 5 foot “kill” radius. This is at the discretion of the ref. Don’t argue if you disagree. Just take the walk to respawn 

● Only direct impacts on structures or shields count. Structures include mounds. ● Only the first impact is counted. If it bounces off the ground first, it’s a dud ● All players in small buildings/bunkers are eliminated 

● Players directly behind the impact if a wall of a larger structure are eliminated. ● CRITICAL: You MUST call your shots by having a ref witness the impact of the grenade round. If they don’t see it, it doesn’t count. Period! Do not argue over this or the privilege of using grenade launchers will be removed 

● You also must give refs enough time in between grenade impacts to eliminate players and witness successive impacts. 


● Anyone can use it! 

● Each Medkit has 16 charges. Each time you scan a wounded player’s character badge, it will heal them and deplete a charge. Return a depleted Medkit (no more green LED’s) to a ref or Game Control 

● A player is considered “wounded” if they are hit anywhere on their body or equipment. 

● Wounded players must remain in place and call for a medic while counting to 60 seconds. If they reach 60 seconds they are eliminated and must respawn at their base 

● Anyone using a Medkit must also carry a microfiber cloth to wipe off hits from the those that are healed

Mechs (5 mech frames will be provided for each faction) 

● You MUST have your badge “upgraded” to be able to pilot a Mech ● Mech pilots are considered role players and are expected to maintain the highest standards within this event. 

● They are a core part of the game and are always in play 

● They can only capture Mech Flags 

● Mech pilots have one loadout: Scenario Slugs with yellow rounds and foam sword. Both will be provided by Game Control 

● Mechs can only eliminate other Mechs using yellow Scenario Slugs or foam swords 

● Can carry up to one passenger and drop them off anywhere on the field except at the other team’s respawn. 

○ To pick up a passenger: 

■ Mech Pilot must take a knee and count to 3 LOUDLY by saying “One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three Mississippi” 

Once the countdown sequence has started, there is no canceling it. 

■ The player will then place their hand on the Mech’s shoulder. As soon as their hand makes contact with the Mech’s shoulder, the player becomes a passive passenger, unable to do anything until dropped off by the Mech. 

● Passenger is part of the Mech and not part of regular paintball play 

● Passenger can not shoot their marker 

● Passenger can carry but not use a shield, Medkit, or grenade launcher 

● Passenger must keep their hand on the pilot’s shoulder at all times. If their hand breaks contact with the Mech’s shoulder, the passenger is eliminated 

■ To drop off a passenger, the Mech must take a knee, count from 3 to 1 using the same counting method as above. Passengers are 

invulnerable during the countdown sequence. After the countdown, the passenger is vulnerable to paintballs, and MUST remove their 

hand from the Mech’s shoulder. Once the countdown sequence has started, there is no canceling it. 

■ Mech’s are not allowed to drop off a passenger within 15 feet of an enemy player 

■ After the passenger is dropped off, the Mech must not remain in the kneeling position for more than 30 seconds. If a player touches the Mech’s shoulder while they are kneeling, the Mech MUST initiate 

the 3 second sequence before the player becomes their passenger, and 3 second sequence before the passenger can get dropped off and become a player. This is designed to prevent players from using the Mech as a way to become invulnerable. Any abuse of this will result in the Mech Pilot being downgraded, any leaderboard points will be wiped for both the pilot and the passenger.

 ■ Repeated abuse by a faction will result in a mech being permanently removed from the game for that faction. 

● Mech’s and their passengers can not shoot or be eliminated by paintballs. Don’t deliberately shoot at them. 

● If a Mech is eliminated, their passenger is eliminated 

Game Mechanics: 

Game Mode: Domination 

There are 11 stationary flags that any player can capture. To capture a flag, you simply hold your badge up to the center of the flag until the light turns purple. Once you see purple, let go and it will flip to your faction’s color. If that flag is already owned by your faction, it will remain that color. 

Decay of Nations: Stormsurge operates on 15 minute scoring cycles. The faction that controls the most flags at the end of each 15 minute interval “wins” that scoring cycle point’s and the flags reset to neutral (white). It’s really that simple! 

But wait, there’s more! There are also 4 flags that can only be captured by Mechs! Refer to “Mech’s” in the rules above. 

Finally, every time you capture a flag that your team doesn’t control, your badge is rewarded with 1 point. The players with the most flag pulls will show up on the game’s leaderboard. The top five players on the leaderboard at the end of the event will be recognized. No other awards will be given.